One of the things I learned, and still currently learning, is developing a positive and influential mindset. While I am no expert or possess a degree in Psychology, we can learn these techniques by reading influential-impacting books, listening to audiobooks, YouTube videos, etc. Elon Musk once said, "You can literally learn any skill you want for free on Youtube. You can become a person of value in a matter of months. Just a few years ago this wasn't possible. If you were lucky enough to be born in this era, take full advantage of it." This is an impacting quote that I believe many individuals should read and remember; however, our minds illustrate our steps. Better explained, the actions we take or make daily come from our thoughts; it doesn't happen randomly; instead, it happens because our actions follow our conscious.
Tips to Help You Achieve Anything in Life
Write it Down
If there is one thing I learned about achieving my goals, I first write them down. You probably heard of a vision board. While many of you know about this concept, this is an easy and effective tool to do before you start to chase your goals. If you haven't heard of a vision/visionary board, this is when you write out your goals on a paper, board, phone, or any other area where you can visually see it. In other words, you can put whatever you want; it doesn't matter how it sounds to others. If you want it, write it and work for it.
Furthermore, you can look at it daily, especially when those moments of doubt, frustration, or any negative emotion come into your head. It reminds you of what you are chasing after. I did this a few months ago, and while I have a lot of goals I want to fulfill, it is safe to say I have achieved some of them.
The first thing you have to do to achieve anything you want in life is to get rid of fear. If you're aiming to build a business, get into shape, go back to school, apply for that job, or ask out that person on a date, fear needs to leave your life. Believe it or not, not only does fear affect the human body; however, it can prevent you from entering your destiny. Fear is a four-letter word, but it can affect you if you let it consume you. I remember the time when I took risks, for instance, launching MPM Fitness; the fear that I had that night was real. I thought to myself, "What if this doesn't work? What if I fail? What if I lose all my money? What if I can't make a living out of this?" and my favorite of all, "What if I have to go back to my old boring life?" The "What Ifs?" are the worst things that pop into our head because it prevents us from discovering the outcome. In other words, we will never know until we try. I know you've heard those words before.
Jump and Don't Look Back
The second tip is jumping. When you jump, you are taking a leap of faith. This step is the most crucial one because this is where your journey begins. Everything starts with a one-step or jump. It can be scary at first, but it becomes less frightening once you start walking the path. I heard jumping is not easy, let alone at first. Yes, it can be a bumpy road; not everything will go our way. Will you have setbacks? Most likely. Will you fail? YES. Will you question yourself? Chances are a high yes; however, one of the things that I keep in mind when I jump is never to look or turn back. To compare it with my life, the night I decided to build MPM Fitness and other upcoming projects is to don't look back; nor would I regret them. Once you regret the decision of jumping or taking a risk, you begin to doubt yourself. You begin to doubt your potential, the God-given gift you received from the day you were born, and your calling. In other words, it can lead you to retreat. Now, let me ask you something, where does retreating get you? Will it lead you to where you want to go? Only you can answer those questions.
Trust The Process and Believe in Yourself
Seeing others living the life you want can sometimes lead to envy or jealousy, especially when things seem to be taking too long. I understand those feelings; however, the best thing we can do is focus on the time given to us. In other words, instead of getting jealous or frustrated that you aren't where they're at, trust the fact that you will get there. Trust in the process; nothing big happens overnight. Most of the time, the most significant and most rewarding outcomes come from the longest delays; however, one of the things I heard is that a delay is not a denial. We have to trust the process. It can be challenging, but as previously mentioned, we will never know the aftermath if we let go.
Apart from trusting the process, believe in yourself. Believe that you were and are designed for greatness. If you're attempting or in the middle of starting a particular project/goal, believe you can achieve it. I remember back in the summer of 2018 when I first began my fitness journey; things looked too complicated, and I didn't see dramatic results within the first month. I did see change once the 12-week mark had arrived; however, I knew I would make it. I believed in my physical and mental actions/mindset. My new goal is to get into the best shape of my life in the next twelve months. Why? There is a particular goal that I want to achieve, and for me to reach that potential goal, I have to believe in myself. I need to trust my potential. After all, it was a God-given gift, and if it is my gift, I'm not going to throw it away.
Declare/Speak It Out
This will be your gasoline for you to reach your destination. Without gas, you aren't going anywhere. The same thing applies to your words; if you aren't declaring it, you won't be getting it. We all grew up being told something, and we believed it. Do you know why? It is because we heard it. We believe what we hear, in most cases. Our words have power, and we decide how they will benefit us. Things begin to change when declaring your goal; for instance, it can lead you to chase after it even more. I noticed whenever I wanted something; I would say it out loud. It wasn't so that others could hear it, but because I needed to listen to it. It kept me going the extra mile whenever things became tough. In other words, it would hold me accountable.
While the upcoming words tie with accountability, it also helps you stay committed. You sometimes hear people say, "I'm committed to this, and ain't no one stopping me. I am going to achieve (whatever their goal is). They say it every day, and when you see them having what they've declared, they will most likely tell you it was a commitment to them. They believed in their words while no one else did. Some people would be more encouraged if others supported them; however, we live in a world where not many people want others to succeed. To paraphrase, sometimes the only words you need to hear are your own, especially if you are the only one going to achieve it.
In summary, just like we have the physical ability to do something in our lives, so do our words. Our words are aligned with our actions. It doesn't matter where you are at in life; it doesn't matter what job you are working or how much funds you have in the bank; you can do whatever you want. Think of it this way; you only live once. What does that mean? It means to make your life meaningful. Live it up. Don't exist; instead, make a life. Go live your life. Nothing is impossible. It is possible once you stop seeing it as impossible.